The Benefits of Stretching


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The Online School of Exercise is a learning platform dedicated to helping students from all over the world achieve Sovereign Fitness.

  • Video Support

The supporting videos show you how the targeted muscles and how to stretch properly.

  • Read on any device

Take your program with you anywhere you go to never miss a beat.


About The Founder

 Alexandre Bernier

Alexandre is a Kinesiologist from Montreal with 13 years of field experience and 20 years of training. He launched The Online School of Exercise in 2015 and has since then helped thousands of students from all over the world.

Alexandre has witnessed the powerful effects of stretching on the body and mind of his clients over the years and is passionate about helping you reap the benefits.

Follow him on X @mythoughtfood for more posture and exercise content.


What People Are Saying


Have Questions? Look Here

Here are some commonly asked questions:

Do I need to follow the program on a daily basis?

Not at all, although doing so gets you better and quicker results. You still reap the benefits by following the program at your pace.

Will I still benefit from the program even if I’ve never stretched before?

Yes, the supporting videos show you how to do the stretches properly. Each stretch comes with a written guideline.

How long until I see results?

Your best results need time and long-term consistency, though you will feel a difference as you progress through the 28 days.

What's the best time to stretch?

We recommend stretching right before bed to relieve your body of the day's tension and achieve a deeper sleep. Any time works, however. The most important part is to do them.